Athena Gonzalez

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good....
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Hello you handsome devil my name is Athena. I was born in Costa Rica but raised here in Florida most of my life. I more or less just like to go with the flow. Beaches and springs are my safe havens and where I go to clear my mind. I plan to see and experience all the different ones here in Florida. Photography is one of my biggest passions. I enjoy taking the time to appreciate the natural beauties in life. Too many people function on a daily bases and never take a second to take in how beautiful the grass may look or how the stars and moon look at night ...but yet I believe it’s something that should never be ignored. I aspire to travel the world but not in a typical go on vacation travel. But I want to get the full experience of how each place lives, the cultures, beliefs and things that are done on a daily bases. Personally I feel that with in doing this I would be able to learn a lot about myself and the things that I am willing to accept and not accept. It would also allow me to take the experiences and blend them with my own thoughts and emotions and be able to become a more well rounded person. I am very open minded and like testing my limits. If something scares me I don’t allow it to stop me. Instead I feel that’s more reason to tackle it head on. You can’t allow fear to stop you because you never know if it will end up being something you truly enjoy. I love to talk and listen to people’s stories. It’s always so interesting hearing the things we all do in order to get where we need to be. Let’s be honest we all have had our wild crazy moments as well as our moments of clarity. There’s something so amazing in hearing where someone started and where they are now.
Country: United States City: Orlando State: Florida
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Orlando · United States
Website: http://
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