
Profile ID: #1234
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I want to go shopping, I want to be frivolous, I want you to buy me dinner, I want to boss you around, I want to ask you for favours when I need something. I'm a hard working beautiful girl and I deserve to be treated accordingly.

I'm down to Skype, Im down to meet if I feel like it, I'm down to walk you around town on a leash and make you my bitch if thats what you're into, I'm down to take your money.
serious inquiries only. I'm sick of men wasting my time.
Country: United States City: Kansas City State: MO
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Kansas City ยท United States
Website: http://
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I want to go shopping, I want to be frivolous, I want you to buy me dinner, I want to boss you around, I want to ask you for favours when I need something. I'm a hard working beautiful girl and I deserve to be treated accordingly. I'm down to Skype, Im down to meet if I feel like it, I'm down to walk you around town on a leash and make you my bitch if thats what you're into, I'm down to take your money. serious inquiries only. I'm sick of men wasting my time.
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